Memory (RAM) upgrade:
Has your computer been running much slower lately with error messages that pop up and don't go away? Don't worry anymore, we can speed it up again and make any updates you might need.
Screen change:
You accidentally cracked your PC screen, that's okay, We can replace it today at a lower cost.
Data recovery:
Our technicians are able to recover your data from a faulty hard drive or if you accidentally deleted a file.
Cooling system installation:
If your computer's cooling system is clogged with dust, which often happens after a while when the computer is not cleaned, we can install a new cooling system for you.
Motherboard repair:
Your computer displays a black screen, an image with unusual colors? It is likely a motherboard or graphics card faulty. This is a common problem that is either caused by prolonged overheating of the computer or a manufacturing defect. We can repair your motherboard.
Changing the battery:
Following an accident, your battery has caught water, it turns on but the battery no longer holds. This is where your ask: where, and which battery to buy? Do you know a trusted site, ideally that you have already requested, where I could provide myself and what battery should I order there? Stop worrying, we'll be happy to change your battery.
Keyboard changing:
If some keys on your keyboard stop responding when you press them, when that happens you can't type with your computer anymore and that's frustrating. But don't be frustrated because we can change your keyboard so that you can type again.
Glass replacement:
Have you accidentally cracked your computer glass? We can replace it today at a very reasonable cost and make your device like new.
Fan change:
For several weeks the fan of your PC has been running at full speed continuously (very noisy, you have the impression that your PC is heating up a lot anyway), it sometimes happens that it goes out. Your PC's fan may have become defective. But have no fear, we've got you covered. We can change your PC fan, and you would have a successful result.
Operating system installation:
Has your PC been crashing a lot lately? Your operating system may be affected. We can install a new operating system on your PC .